회원가입 로그인
15,800원 (Update 2013.08.)
제조사/브렌드 페이퍼플레인      제조국/원산지 한국(china OEM)
등산화 Shoes > 샌달/슬리퍼/아쿠아슈즈
관련 인기 상품
MediumGreyKeenYellow BLACK/BOSSA NOVA 제품설명 Description Who says a water shoe has to be big and clunky, the Keen Cimarron defies this sterotype by delivering a slim, sleek, feminine shoe with traction ready for any watersport. Beach combing, rafting, or hiking through streams, the Cimarron will keep your feet cool, comfortable, and well supported. Specifications Multi-directional lug pattern for increased traction Aqua stop non-marking water traction outsole Breathable mesh underlays Quickdraw e
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