회원가입 로그인
120,000원 (Update 2013.05.)
제조사/브렌드 틸리(Tiley)      제조국/원산지 캐나다
의류소품 > 모자 > 일반모자 > 삼계절용
GUARANTEED FOR LIFE INSURED AGAINST LOSS EXCELLENT SUN PROTECTION REPELS RAIN SECRET POCKET TIES ON IN THE WIND MACHINE WASHABLE ( WON'T SHRINK) MATERIAL DEVELOPS UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS THROUGH USE Let the story of this Hat develop as you wear it. The Tilley Outback Hat employs a modern waxed cotton technology that can be washed, worn, packed, used and abused. Over time, the fabric develops a leather-like appearance that weathers to the nuances of each Hat owner. Your Hat will become as unique
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