회원가입 로그인
43,200원 (Update 2013.05.)
제조사/브렌드 몰릭      제조국/원산지 한국
의류소품 > 남성의류 > 셔츠 > 티셔츠(봄가을)
관련 인기 상품
사용온도: -20°C극한에서의 고난도 클라이밍 - 원정 - 고산등반 소재: Asahi KASEI Impact 66 Polyamide WR Rip-Stop / Asahi KASEI Polyester WR Rip-Stop 다운필파워: Goose 850 cuin + (US Normes) 총중량 : 965g 다운중량 : 340g 사이즈: S-M-L-XL-XXL EN 컴포트 등급: -20°C
Neutrino Vest BELUGA BLACK The Neutrino Vest is a lightweight and very warm insulated down vest. This superb lightweight vest is ideal for backpacking in spring and autumn and for those cooler evenings year round. Pertex Quantum® fabrics keep weight and pack size down and 120g/4oz (size large) of 800 fill European goose down provides fantastic warmth for the weight. A stalwart of the Rab range for many years - this is a superb piece of kit for active use and ideal for travel where weight and pa
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