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47,000원 (Update 2013.05.)
제조사/브렌드 아웃도어리서치(OR)      제조국/원산지 미국(China OEM)
의류소품 > 모자 > 일반모자 > 삼계절용
Pewter DB Crocus DP Walnut LR SolarShield™ Products are made of UV-resistant fabrics with a minimum SPF 30 and are constructed to protect the wearer from exposure and harmful effects of intense sun. TransAction™ is a high wicking and breathable material ideal for hot weather. It is designed to keep the wearer dry and comfortable by absorbing perspiration through its inner layers and transporting it to its outer layers where it quickly evaporates. UPF 50+ UPF 50+ rated products are made of UV-re
관련 인기 상품
Red Dark Olive Dark Navy Black Brown Lining: 100% polyester Material: 100% polyamide
[불레부] 리베 [불레부] 리베 23,000원
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