회원가입 로그인
94,000원 (Update 2013.03.)
제조사/브렌드 아웃도어리서치(OR)      제조국/원산지 미국(China OEM)
의류소품 > 모자 > 방수모자 > 삼계절용
PINON/KHAKI PINON/KHAKI PINON/KHAKI BLACK/DARK GREY BLACK/DARK GREY cairN/KHAKI A day on the water can bring everything from driving rain to glaring sun. With the Sunshower™ you're prepared for any condition. Supplex® nylon provides UPF 30 protection while mesh side panels offer ventilation. The removable Ventia™ rain cover gives waterproof, breathable shelter when it rains and stows in its own pocket when the skies clear again. Fabric : Pertex® Shield 2.5L, 100% nylon 40D ripstop rain cover //
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