회원가입 로그인
540,000원 (Update 2012.11.)
제조사/브렌드 랩(RAB)      제조국/원산지 영국(china OEM)
의류소품 > 여성의류 > 자켓 > 다운/패딩자켓
Infinity Endurance Jacket ANTIFREEZE EBONY ZEST The Infinity Endurance jacket is a lightweight down jacket with a water-resistant outer fabric. The Infinity Endurance takes the features of the widely acclaimed Infinity jacket and adds the latest version of Pertex Endurance water-resistant coating to the super-light Pertex Quantum GL fabric. The jacket contains 210g/7oz (size large) of the best quality 850 fill European down we've ever used. The result is a very lightweight and very usable down
관련 인기 상품
Generator Alpine Jacket BLACK ANTIFREEZE MARS RED The Generator Alpine was conceived as a 'big-brother' to the other items in the Generator range. The Generator Alpine is a hooded, synthetic insulated jacket, that combines the lightweight heritage of the Generator products with the wind proof and water resistant robustness of our Endurance shelled garments. The Generator Alpine now also has even more durable (70denier) panels over the shoulders for use with a pack and features a YKK Vislon Aqua
사용온도: 14F (-10C)패션을 가미한 독창적인 다운 자켓 색상만 참조 - 남성용
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