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9,000원 (Update 2012.11.)
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쌍안경/스코프 > 악세서리 > 스트랩
관련 인기 상품
- 렌즈등 악세서리를 보관 이동하는 하드케이스 - 알루미늄 외장재 - 외부사이즈 : 400x250x175mm - 내부사이즈 : 385x235x160mm - 무 게 : 2.63Kg VGP-13S Vanguard VGP 13S has it all - versatility, durability and convenience. Durable and strong in construction with a sleek, professional style, it is no wonder that Vanguard VGP 13S has been hailed around the world as one of the best equipment cases on the market. Used by professionals in an array of industries, VGP 13S has a solid aluminum alloy frame with an interior of adjustable dividers
- 이물질을 제거하는 스페셜 Tip - 스크래치없이 먼지를 제거하는 Brush - Microfiber 광학섬유 포함 2-in-1 Cleaning Kit The 2-in-1 Cleaning Kit includes a lens cleaner with a brush and special tip for removing dirt and dust from lenses and crevices of your camera and electronic devices. This kit also includes a microfiber cleaning cloth for polishing. Dual function lens cleaner Specs1: Rubber bulb dispenser: 45 mm diameter and 165 mm length Specs2: Microfiber cleaning cloth: 300 x 300 mm (11.75 x 11.75 in.)
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