회원가입 로그인
16,800원 (Update 2012.10.)
제조사/브렌드 준우아웃도어      제조국/원산지 한국
텐트/침낭 > 기타 소품
관련 인기 상품
MSR developed CamRing™ Cord Tensioners to make camp life simpler and easier. The simple ring design locks securely and adjusts easily, eliminating the hassle of tying and retying knots in cold or wet weather. CamRing™ Cord Tensioners perform best on cords from 1.5mm to 3mm. Made in China
This lightweight cord kit has everything you need for backcountry tasks. The 2mm cord is strong enough to hang a bear bag or secure a tarp shelter. CamRing™ Cord Tensioners make your setup adjustable and knot-free. Made in China
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