외부크기 : 350x300x515mm 내부크기 : 300x190x250mm 무 게 : 2.3kg 특 징 : 사진촬영에 특화된 뱅가드의 정품 가방 스코프와 DSLR 카메라를 한번에 수납하는 편리함 뱅가드 AIR System이 적용되어 쾌적한 사용감 인체공학적인 뱅가드만의 디자인으로 장시간 사용도 편리 와이드한 허리 벨트로 무게감을 효과적으로 분산 야외촬영, 싸이클, 등산, 캠핑, 여행 등 구 성 품 : 업라이즈 48 레인커버
Rain cover The provided elements cover will protect your valuable equipment during rainy and extremely dusty conditions. Simply install over the bag like a shower cap to protect your bag and gear. TST Rib The TST Rib provides discreetly structured protection, where it counts. Located on parts of the bag that are sensitive to shock, the TST Rib will protect your gear from bumps and any unwanted shock. On Board This bag complies with most airline regulations for carry-on luggage. Due to ever chan
Rain cover The provided elements cover will protect your valuable equipment during rainy and extremely dusty conditions. Simply install over the bag like a shower cap to protect your bag and gear. Laptop Compartment This bag features a padded laptop compartment which will allow you to always have your computer at hand and easily accessible. Please check the Kata bag Chooser for compatible laptop models. Tripod Holder The Kata tripod holder allows you never to leave your important tripod behind.