회원가입 로그인
175,000원 (Update 2012.08.)
제조사/브렌드 써미트 (SUMMIT)      제조국/원산지 한국
배낭/가방 > 단거리용-20~40L
관련 인기 상품
cobalt Description: An all-around day-sized hauler. With its ice axe loops and daisy chains, you might identify this as a mountain pack. Or, because of its strategically placed side compression straps, you might think it a ski touring day tripper. Then again, its roomy cut and padded bottom might lead to see it as a hike, bike and tote bag. Well, folks, unsurprisingly, it will serve in any and all of those capacities with equal facility. Its large front pocket is able to accommodate anything fr
Indigo Orchid PE gunmetal/green FO Cardiff DV Lajolla ME Venice LU Woodstock GY GD tapestry AM black/yellow GO Peacock GN Blackwood Timber DY violet/orange VO Fuschia PI PC grey CH Ultra violet VI black BK spectra SP Charcoal Grey GR
pyro << Variant 37 Features >> Adjustable Tool Bungee Y-Clip Glove Friendly Buckles Hipbelt Stow Ice Tool Attachment Spindrift Collar - 1 Spindrift Collar - 2 Three-Point Haul System Underlid Pocket Variant backpanel Wand Pocket Load Range™ The green to yellow zones represent the recommended load range for this pack. Volumes and Weights US and International weight and volume specifications Size cu. in. liter lbs/oz kg. S 2040 34 3/2 1.42 M 2220 37 3/5 1.50 L 2400 40 3/8 1.59 Dimensi
Raven Lichen Regular 1.22 kg / 43 oz 35 L 38 L max Tall 1.27 kg / 45 oz 37 L 41 L max Style: Packs 20L To 40L Activity: Hiking
Copper Black One Size 1.5 kg / 53 oz 20 L Style: Packs 20L To 40L Activity: Rock Climbing
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