회원가입 로그인
245,000원 (Update 2012.08.)
제조사/브렌드 엑스페드      제조국/원산지 스위스(제삼국)
텐트/침낭 > 매트리스
7 M Size: 183 × 52 × 7 cm Weight: 860 g, Packsack 18 g Packed: 23 × 16 cm Temperature: -24°C Fill weight**: 170 g 7 LW Size: 197 × 65 × 7 cm Weight: 1110 g, Packsack 19 g Packed: 27 × 14 cm Temperature: -24°C Fill weight**: 220 g
관련 인기 상품
UL Comfort Mummy Mat 3.8 UL 컴포트 머미 매트 3.8 􄤎원단 : Diamond R/S, 폴리에스터 75D 􄤎사이즈 : 183×51×3.8cm 􄤎수납사이즈 : 17×27cm 􄤎중량 : 740g 􄤎색상 : Apple Green, Deep Seablue 􄤎정찰가 : 83,000원 UL Comfort Mummy Mat 2.5 UL 컴포트 머미 매트 2.5 􄤎원단 : Diamond R/S, 폴리에스터 75D 􄤎사이즈 : 183×51×2.5cm 􄤎수납사이즈 : 14×27cm 􄤎중량 : 620g 􄤎색상 : Apple Green, Deep Seablue 􄤎정찰가 : 73,000원
펼친크기 : 183x128x7.5cm 수납크기 : 78x38cm 두 께 : 7.5cm 무 게 : 4.82kg 재 질 : 75 디나이어 논슬립 폴리에스테르 (75 denier non-slip polyester) PVC 특 징 : 내부 베개 구 성 품 : 어드벤처 DLX-스탠다드(5cm) 수선 키트 소프트케이스
With its accordion-style design and closed-cell foam construction, the Z Seat camping seat is an ounce-counter's solution to on-the-spot comfort. It's virtually indestructible and superlight, making it ideal for backpacking, ski touring and relaxing on rough terrain. The new aluminized coating adds warmth and comfort wherever you choose to take your rest stop. Made in USA Color Coyote, Limon / Silver SOL R-Value 2.2 Weight 2 oz / 60 g Width 41 in / 16 cm Length 13 in / 33 cm Thickness .75 in /
[제품특징] M R L Color Columbia / Griffin Columbia / Griffin Columbia / Griffin R-Value 4.9 4.9 4.9 Weight 1 lbs 2 oz / 510 g 1 lbs 3 oz / 540 g 1 lbs 9 oz / 710 g Width 20 in / 51 cm 20 in / 51 cm 25 in / 63 cm Length 66 in / 168 cm 72 in / 183 cm 77 in / 196 cm Thickness 2.5 in / 6.3 cm 2.5 in / 6.3 cm 2.5 in / 6.3 cm Packed dimension 8 x 4.75 x 4.75 in / 20.3 x 12 x 12 cm 8 x 4.75 x 4.75 in / 20.3 x 12 x 12 cm 11 x 4.8 in / 28 x 12 cm Volume 3300 cu. in 3600 cu. in 4813 cu. in Top fabric type 75
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