상품명 솔로-2 코펠 모델명 VKK-SH SOLO2 제조사 ㈜ 비젼 코베아 생산지 한국 중량 639 g(주머니 포함) 규격 165×165×115 mm (In Box) 색상 진회색
The Quick™ 2 system is a complete cook and eat system, designed as the go-to solution for the widest range of backcountry uses and meals. Insulated mugs and DeepDish™ plates combine with both nonstick and uncoated hard-anodized aluminum for the ultimate in lightweight, cook-anything utility. Includes: (1)1.5L nonstick DuraLite™ DX pot, (1) 2.5L hard-anodized pot, (1) strainer lid, (2) DeepDish™ plates, (2) insulated stainless steel mugs, (1) Talon™ pot handle. Dual Cooking Surfaces: Ultralight
This compact, 7-inch skillet nests efficiently with Quick 2, Base 2 and Alpinist 2 cookware, adding versatility to your average minimalist kitchen without adding too much weight to your pack. Includes: 7-inch Nonstick, hard-anodized aluminum skillet, Talon™ pot handle. Made in Thailand Total weight 5.9 oz / 166 g Packed Size 7.75 x 2.5 in / 19.7 x 6.35 cm MSR Flex4 System / Flex4システムレポ : CampLogs | キャンプ ...">
1.0 Pot 1.7 Pot 2.5 Pot [제품특징] - 효율적인 디자인 & 수납의 편리성 - 1.0 L 대용량 - 포트속에 버너를 수납할 수 있어 팩킹시 최소량의 부피를 자랑합니다. - 포트에는 눈금 표시가 있어 사용이 편리합니다. - 미국 MSR 제품은 아웃도어 생활을 즐기는 모든 이들 사이에서 가장 안전하고 성능좋은 장비의 모범으로 통합니다. [제품제원] - 브랜드명 : MSR - 상품명 : 리액터 포트 1.0L - 포트용량 : 1.0L(1~2인용) The Reactor 1.0 Pot brings fast and light group performance to the world’s most efficient stove. A broader profile makes it easy to stir and gobbles-up ice and snow, turning your Reactor stove into a water-making powerhouse for winter sk
재 질 : 하드 아노다이즈드 알루미늄 크 기 : 124x165mm 무 게 : 275g 특 징 : 0.95L 코펠 밑면에 끓는 시간을 약 20% 단축 시키는 익스체인저탑재, 고강도,내식성,내구성,내마모성, 내열성,내산화성 구 성 품 : 0.95L 스튜냄비 코펠 뚜껑 겸용 후라이팬 주머니 케이스
Perfectly simple, the Reactor Hanging Kit is constructed almost entirely of cable, keeping it extremely light and compact. Just set the stove in its base, screw on the canister and you’re ready to roll. A sliding tensioner helps to secure any Reactor pot while also providing easy, unobstructed access. Compatible with all Reactor cookware sizes. Made in USA Weight 1.0 oz / 28 g Packed Size 3.25 x 3.25 x 0.3 in / 8.3 x 8.3 x 0.8 cm Compatible with MSR Reactor Stoves only Country of Origin Made in