회원가입 로그인
95,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 랩(RAB)      제조국/원산지 영국(china OEM)
의류소품 > 남성의류 > 베스트 > 베스트(겨울)
The classic vest is filled with 85% European duck down and has a Hyperlite shell, making it an ideal choice for on the mountains or on the street. It also doubles as a great travel garment at only 475g. FabricHyperlite outer with DWR and Duck Down insulation Specifications Hyperlite DWR outer fabric Abrasion resistant Hyperlite DWR contrast shoulder fabric Hyperlite internal fabric with elasticated lumbar draft stopper 125g of 85% European duck down, fill power 560+EU/610+US Stitch through cons
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