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162,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 아웃도어리서치(OR)      제조국/원산지 미국(China OEM)
텐트/침낭 > 비바이색/침낭커버
When moving fast and light is crucial, the ultralight and extremely compressible MicroNight Bivy™ is the solution. The Pertex® Endurance fabric provides protection from rain and wind while eliminating internal moisture to keep you dry and comfortable. It packs down to about half the size of a 1 liter water bottle so it goes unnoticed in your pack. Avg. Weight (oz./g): 19.4 / 549 Avg. Weight 19.4 oz. 549 g Length 84 in. 214 cm Peak Height 17.5 in. 44 cm Width at Shoulders 25 in. 64 cm Width at F
관련 인기 상품
미니멀 리스트를 위한 싱글 비비 1개의 내부 DAC Featherlite 폴 구성 넓은 지퍼 입구, 그물망 포함 새로운 특허를 받은 나노쉘드 원단 사용 중량: 510g, 670g (패킹시) 사이즈: 234×76×51m, 10X19cm(패킹시), 1.7㎡
Specification Size: 225x88cm Weight: 530g Packed Size: 32x10cm Person: 1 User range: Entry Level Bivi for Backpacking and General Use Horizontal zip with Rain Flap for Easy Access and Weather Protection Generous Hood for Easy Manoevering and Storage Gore-Tex FLO2 Gas permeable upper fabric Waterbloc Groundsheet Half Moon Foot
제 품 명 : 침낭 보관망 원 단 : 망사 - 평소 침낭 보관시 용이합니다. - 침낭은 우모의 특성상 장시간 압축해 놓으면 털 빠짐 현상이 나타날 수 있고 털의 보온력이 저하될 수 있으므로 통풍이 가능한 보관망에 보관하여 우모 손상을 방지합니다.
OLIVE SAFFRON Lightweight sleeping bag cover with low weight and pack size. The Survival zone has been a popular choice in the Rab range for several years. We use lightweight and waterproof Pertex Shield fabric. The Survival zone works really well as an emergency bivi bag to be carried 'just-in-case' or as a bivi for occasional use. Dimensions: 250cm (L) x 87cm (W) Weight: 320g / 11oz Perfect for: survival bivi bag / fast & light Lightweight sleeping bag cover Waterproof breathable 2.5 laye
Specification Size: 230x70x45cm Weight: 840g Packed Size: 40x11cm Person: 1 User range: Minimalist Backpacking Pitching: Single Skin 8.5mm 7001 T6 Terra Nova Reflex poles No-See-Um mesh door Gore-Tex FLO2 Gas permeable upper fabric with Integral Storm Hood Waterbloc Groundsheet Generous Venting to Reduce Condensation Build Up
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