회원가입 로그인
86,500원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 고라이트      제조국/원산지 미국(China OEM)
의류소품 > 여성의류 > 셔츠 > 티셔츠(여름)
jade coral skyblue Using lightweight fabrics with extra fast dry times and a UPF of 50+, this longsleeve top is built to protect from the sun without the risk of overheating. Materials:80 g/m² 100% polyester body fabric; 86 g/m² 58% Minerale™ polyester, 42% polyester panels; UPF: 50+ (main body fabric) Auto-locking zipper Fast-wicking Minerale™ panels Secure pocket Reflective logos Minerale™ Our latest next-to skin fabric innovation utilizes Cocona Minerale™, which has a superior hand that’s ma
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