회원가입 로그인
166,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 카타      제조국/원산지 이스라엘(china OEM)
카메라가방 > 숄더형 가방 > 카타
TST TST (Thermo Shield Technology) is a state of the art solution that provides the perfect protection level for digital equipment while creating an extremely lightweight product. It is featured on the important areas of the bag that are subject to shock. Elements Cover The provided elements cover will protect your valuable equipment during extreme weather conditions. Simply install over the bag on the black side for rain protection, the silver side for heat deflection, or use as a dust cover.
관련 인기 상품
브랜드 모델명 모델명 바디 렌즈 NG 2300 올림푸스 E-P3 1442 C 40150 C 1442+40150 C E-PM1 1442 C 40150 C 1442+40150 C E-PL3 1442 C 40150 C 1442+40150 C 소니 NEX-C3 16 C 1855 C 16+1855 C NEX-5 16 C 1855 C 16+1855 C 삼성 NX100 16 or 20 C 1855 C 16/20 + 1855 C NX200 16 or 20 C 1855 C 16/20 + 1855 C 니콘 J1 10 C 1030 C V1 10 C 1030 C 시그마 DP시리즈 없음 C * O : 전용가방 * C : 수납이 가능하며 그 외 수납 공간의 여유가 있습니다. * N : 수납불가
Laptop Compartment This bag features a padded laptop compartment which will allow you to always have your computer at hand and easily accessible. Please check the Kata bag Chooser for compatible laptop models. TST TST (Thermo Shield Technology) is a state of the art solution that provides the perfect protection level for digital equipment while creating an extremely lightweight product. It is featured on the important areas of the bag that are subject to shock. Elements Cover The provided eleme
Elements Cover The provided elements cover will protect your valuable equipment during extreme weather conditions. Simply install over the bag on the black side for rain protection, the silver side for heat deflection, or use as a dust cover. The silver side can additionally be used as a reflector if needed. TST Rib The TST Rib provides discreetly structured protection, where it counts. Located on parts of the bag that are sensitive to shock, the TST Rib will protect your gear from bumps and an
상품의견 쓰기 (로그인 후에 쓰기가 가능합니다.)
* 욕설/비방/광고/성인 등 상품과 관련이 없거나 피해를 주는 글을 등록시에는 경고 없이 삭제될 수 있습니다.
샵베이는 상품정보 검색 사이트로써 직접 판매/배송을 하지 않으며, 주문/배송 및 환불의 의무와 책임은 각 판매업체에 있습니다.