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22,500원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 그라나이트기어      제조국/원산지 미국(china OEM)
의류소품 > 장갑 > 반장갑
관련 인기 상품
Sport ice routes and dry-tooling call for non-insulated gloves that don't sacrifice anything in the way of dexterity, grip or fit. Built off our original competition-winning Alibi™, the Alibi II Gloves™ answer the call, featuring double leather cuff closures with thermo-formed neoprene and articulating wrist harnesses for a secure fit, corded nylon on the back of the hand for durability, and Pittards® Oiltac leather palms for enhanced grip and optimum control in both wet and dry conditions. Avg
Continuous long days in the sun on backpacking expeditions, or even runs under a cloudless sky, can leave your hands just as red and blistered as a spring breaker in Cancun. Keep your mitts uncooked with the Chroma Gloves™, which provide 3/4 –length back-of-hand UPF 50+ protection with stretchy, breathable polyester fabric. The durable, perforated synthetic leather Chamude palm ensures a solid grip and easy, effective venting in hot weather. They're perfect for glacier travel, where a sun
전자상거래등에서의 상품정보제공고시 종 류 택티컬 장갑 소 재 캐블러 / 가죽 색 상 상세페이지 참고 치 수 상세페이지 참고 제 조 사 CAMELBAK (미국) 수 입 사 현대미건 제 조 국 한 국 품질보증기준 관련법 및 소비자 분쟁 해결 규정을 준수 세탁방법 - 20도 이하의 미지근한 물에 손세탁 - 중성세제 사용 - 물에 10분 이상 담그지 말것 - 단독세탁 권장 주의사항 - 드라이 크리닝 불가 - 유연제, 표백제 불가 - 뜨거운 물, 강한 세탁, 탈수 불가 - 다림질 불가 AS연락처 02-2276-1610
Glove Sizes Men Women Juniors S 6-1/2" Ages 6-8 M 7-1/2" 6-3/4" Ages 9-10 L 7-3/4" 7-3/4" Ages 11-12 XL 8" S/M 6-1/2" to 6-3/4" Ages 6-9 M/L 7-1/2" to 8" 6-3/4" to 7-3/4" L/XL 7-3/4" to 8" Ages 10-12
Glove Sizes Men Women Juniors S 6-1/2" Ages 6-8 M 7-1/2" 6-3/4" Ages 9-10 L 7-3/4" 7-3/4" Ages 11-12 XL 8" S/M 6-1/2" to 6-3/4" Ages 6-9 M/L 7-1/2" to 8" 6-3/4" to 7-3/4" L/XL 7-3/4" to 8" Ages 10-12
Features: 200gm HeatLock™ insulation Durable microfiber outer Full Box Finger Construction GORE-TEX® Waterproof/Breathable Liner One-handed cinch cuff Pigskin palm Plush Hydrowick Lining PreCurved Fingers and Tacked In Fingertips
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