회원가입 로그인
14,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 카멜백(CAMELBAK)      제조국/원산지 미국(mexico OEM)
배낭/가방 > 수낭(Hydretion bag)
리저버를 빨리 완벽하게 건조시킬 수 있는 건조 도구임. 접었다 폈다 할 수 있는 형태임.
관련 인기 상품
.초경량의 물백으로 탄성력이 우수하며 내구성이 좋음 .빈병일 때는 납작하게 접을 수 있으며 물을 가득 채우면 세워지는 구조 .입구가 넓어 물을 담기 쉬우며 Glass Like기술을 사용하여 박테리아 생성을 억제 .인체에도 안전한 PE 재질을 사용하여 물맛이 변하지 않으며 오토캠핑,하이킹등의 야외할동에 적합
Platypus Quick Release Kit This handy little add-on splices into any Platy tubing (or other 1/4" inner diameter tubing) to allow quick and spill-proof removal of hoses allowing you to refill your reservoir without rerouting your hose through your backpack. Details: Includes an auto shutoff valve that stops the flow when it's disconnected Fits any ¼ in. inner diameter of tubing.
Capacity 100 oz (3 L) Cargo 540 CU IN (8.80 L) CamelBak's M.U.L.E.® is still the most efficient and compact way to carry your water and field essentials. You will appreciate our Independent Suspension Harness during fast-paced, on-the-run missions - it stabilizes the load as you move. And the Air Director™ back panel keeps you cool as you push onward. The M.U.L.E.® can also be purchased with our NEW Chem-Bio Reservoir (4.0) which attaches easily to Type M, A, or S Gas Mask Adapters. Use D-ring
1. 개요 : 카멜백 리저버 (New HydroLink System으로 구성된 리저버에만 한함.) 와 튜브가 연결되는 부위는 꽂는 보조 마개. 2. 용도 1) 리저버에 물을 채워 튜브를 분리하여 냉동고에 얼릴 때 2) 스페어용으로 튜브없이 리저버만 별도로 가지고 다닐 때 3. 적용 모델 : New HydroLink System이 적용된 카멜백 리저버 4. 수량 : 1팩에 보조마개가 2개 들어 있음.
The Tube Director™ positions a drinking tube exactly where it's needed. A semi-rigid design adapts to any CamelBak® hydration system to make it totally hands-free. Position tube and CamelBak® Big Bite™ Valve for convenient, hands-free drinking No need to reach for a drink Includes semi-rigid, insulated PureFlow™ delivery tube and CamelBak® Big Bite™ Valve Insulated Tube keeps every sip as cool as the first
Our HydroLink™ Filter Adapter allows in-line attachment of all leading filtration and purification products. No need to fill a reservoir through the OMEGA™ or Screw Cap openings, just backfill the reservoir through the delivery tube assembly.
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