회원가입 로그인
170,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 애크미메이드      제조국/원산지 미국(china OEM)
모바일노트북 > 토트형가방 > 애크미메이드
관련 인기 상품
The Acme Made Slim Cargo is the best of both worlds; it offers the organization and protection of our other popular bags but with the slender profile of a sleeve. Using high-performance technical materials such as high-impact plastic inserts and closed-cell foam padding, the Slim Cargo offers great organization and easy access to all of your necessities. Features: Fold-out accessory pocket with “cashmere” finish microsuede. Removable shoulder strap (included) adjusts to your ideal length for co
The Acme Made Slim Cargo is the best of both worlds; it offers the organization and protection of our other popular bags but with the slender profile of a sleeve. Using high-performance technical materials such as high-impact plastic inserts and closed-cell foam padding, the Slim Cargo offers great organization and easy access to all of your necessities. Features: Fold-out accessory pocket with “cashmere” finish microsuede. Removable shoulder strap (included) adjusts to your ideal length for co
The Acme Made Slim Cargo is the best of both worlds; it offers the organization and protection of our other popular bags but with the slender profile of a sleeve. Using high-performance technical materials such as high-impact plastic inserts and closed-cell foam padding, the Slim Cargo offers great organization and easy access to all of your necessities. Features: Fold-out accessory pocket with “cashmere” finish microsuede. Removable shoulder strap (included) adjusts to your ideal length for co
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