회원가입 로그인
40,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 로우프로      제조국/원산지 미국(china OEM)
배낭/가방 > 허리쌕
관련 인기 상품
Woodstock GY blue navy BN Cardiff DV peacock GN sierraflower JU earth LK naturalnavy NT indigoorchid PE Fuchsia PI redyellow RE wood stock GY orange capri OR Blackwood Timber DY purple PL black BK violet VI GD tapestry AM spectra SP blue BL violet/orange VO
제품상태 새제품 상품코드 tt_speesdemon 제조사 Think Tank Photo / 공급처 - 필름나라 배송방법 택배발송 ( 배송기간 : 평일기준 1~4일) 원산지 Made In Vietnam 품질보증 미사용시 상품수취후 7일이내 교환,환불가능 소재 1680D ballistic nylon, 420D nylon, 210D nylon 반품/교환 제품 회수후 불량 판정시. 새제품 교환 또는 환불 불량/교환배송비 구매자의 변심에 의한 반품시 왕복 배송비가 청구됩니다 A/S안내 필름나라 고객센터 02-749-7515 , 필름나라 고객센터 02-749-7515
Woodstock GY blue navy BN Cardiff DV peacock GN sierraflower JU earth LK naturalnavy NT indigoorchid PE Fuchsia PI redyellow RE wood stock GY orange capri OR Blackwood Timber DY purple PL black BK violet VI GD tapestry AM spectra SP blue BL violet/orange VO
black red Description The Sprint by Mountainsmith has the most comfort and performance you can find in a compact lumbar pack. The Sprint is designed for the seriously demanding runner or fast hiker on a one to two hour outing. Air flow back system promotes cooling and minimizes contact. One 22 oz. bottle carries enough fluid for a summer trail run. Features Elastic rigging on front panel and 4 point compression system on the pocket. Clip on attachment points for gel flasks. Air Flow back suspen
charcoal grey CH Woodstock GY blue navy BN Cardiff DV peacock GN sierraflower JU earth LK naturalnavy NT indigoorchid PE Fuchsia PI redyellow RE wood stock GY orange capri OR Blackwood Timber DY purple PL black BK violet VI GD tapestry AM spectra SP blue BL violet/orange VO
Woodstock GY blue navy BN Cardiff DV peacock GN sierraflower JU earth LK naturalnavy NT indigoorchid PE Fuchsia PI redyellow RE wood stock GY orange capri OR Blackwood Timber DY purple PL black BK violet VI GD tapestry AM spectra SP blue BL violet/orange VO
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샵베이는 상품정보 검색 사이트로써 직접 판매/배송을 하지 않으며, 주문/배송 및 환불의 의무와 책임은 각 판매업체에 있습니다.