회원가입 로그인
20,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 클럼플러      제조국/원산지 호주
카메라가방 > 파우치 > 클럼플러
관련 인기 상품
S.W. CORD BLACK The Solo II holster provides quick convenient access to your camera gear in style. The compact design holds your DSLR and attached 18-35mm or similar sized lens in quick grip position, readily accessible. SPECIFICATIONS colour black color black color external height 17.0 cm 6.69 in external length 18.0 cm 7.09 in external width 12.5 cm 4.92 in Internal main compartment height 15 cm 5.91 in Internal main compartment length 15.0 cm 5.91 in Internal main compartment width 10.5 cm 4
BLUE green lime charcoal [제품특징] - 미국 마운틴 스미스社의 혁신적인 패드 처리된 휴대용 카메라 케이스 - 지퍼 오픈 방식으로 보다 편리하게 보관된 물품을 사용하실 수 있습니다. - 디지탈 카메라의 메모리 카드를 보관할 수 있는 작은 포켓이 있습니다. - 허리/크로스로 착용이 가능하여 보다 편리합니다. Size: Large Internal Dimensions 5.5'' x 2.5'' x 3.5'' N/A x N/A x N/A Dimensions 6.3'' x 3'' x 3.8'' 15.9 x 7.6 x 7.6 cm Weight 4.6 oz .13 kg Size: Medium Internal Dimensions 5.5'' x 1.75'' x 3'' N/A x N/A x N/A Dimensions 5.5'' x 2.75'' x 3.5'' 14 x 7 x 8.9 cm Weight 4.23 oz 0.12 kg Size: Small Internal Dimensions
Rain cover The provided elements cover will protect your valuable equipment during rainy and extremely dusty conditions. Simply install over the bag like a shower cap to protect your bag and gear. TST Rib The TST Rib provides discreetly structured protection, where it counts. Located on parts of the bag that are sensitive to shock, the TST Rib will protect your gear from bumps and any unwanted shock. EPH System Compatible This bag is compatible with the Kata EPH system which will allow you to c
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