회원가입 로그인
32,300원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 롯지(LODGE)      제조국/원산지 미국
취사도구 > 코펠
관련 인기 상품
The Alpinist 2 Cook System offers the superior strength and light weight of hard anodized aluminum with the added capacity you need for melting snow and boiling water fast. A full-featured cook and eat system for two, it comes complete with our insulated stainless steel mugs and DeepDish™ plates, making it ideal for alpine ascents or long-distance journeys. Includes: (1) 2.4L Hard anodized aluminum pot, (1) Strainer lid, (2) DeepDish™ plates, (1) Talon™ pot handle, and (2) insulated stainless s
A durable, nonstick surface makes this hard-anodized aluminum skillet perfect for everything from stir-fries to the perfect pancake. Conveniently nests inside a Flex 4 System and outside a Flex 3 System. Easy Clean-Up: Scratch-resistant, hard-anodized nonstick aluminum. Versatile: Nests with MSR® Flex 3 and 4 Cook Systems and Pot Sets. Includes: (1) Talon™ pot handle. Weight 7 oz / 199 g Height 2.5 in / 6.35 cm Diameter 9 in / 22.86 cm Country of Origin Made in Thailand MSR Flex4 System / Flex4
This compact, 7-inch skillet nests efficiently with Quick 2, Base 2 and Alpinist 2 cookware, adding versatility to your average minimalist kitchen without adding too much weight to your pack. Includes: 7-inch Nonstick, hard-anodized aluminum skillet, Talon™ pot handle. Made in Thailand Total weight 5.9 oz / 166 g Packed Size 7.75 x 2.5 in / 19.7 x 6.35 cm MSR Flex4 System / Flex4システムレポ : CampLogs | キャンプ ...">
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