회원가입 로그인
108,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 오스프리(OSPRAY)      제조국/원산지 미국(Made in Vietnam)
배낭/가방 > 카고백/캐리어
Earth Crimson Charcoal Porter 46 Features Internal organization Multiple Carry Options Porter 46 Volumes and Weights US and International weight and volume specifications Size cu. in. liter lbs/oz kg. One Size 2800 46 3/2 1.43 Dimensions Dimensions are shown as length (height) x width x depth In: 22 x 14 x 9 Cm: 56 x 35.5 x 23
관련 인기 상품
black cypress/green clay/grey Zip-Off Gear Bag: (3660 cu in / 60 L) Multiple carry options include hideaway backpack straps, removable padded shoulder strap and end-to-end and center haul handles Stay organized on the road with exterior pockets Organize this bag with Pack-It™ System and Gear Organizers No Matter What™ Warranty Made from e Series 100% recycled fabrics Backside Gear Bin: (2930 cu in / 48 L) Perfect for organizing and separating muddy gear from clean clothing Lined Bi-Tech™-e inte
Black Alpine Pepper Transporter 60 Features Internal organization Harness Carry Transporter 60 Volumes and Weights US and International weight and volume specifications Size cu. in. liter lbs/oz kg. One Size 3600 60 1/13 0.83 Dimensions Dimensions are shown as length (height) x width x depth 23x16x10 inches 58x41x25.5 cm
charcoal earth pepper Vector 22"/46L Features High Road Chassis™ Business Card / Name Tag Holder Dirty Clothes Compartment Hideaway Courier Bag Attachment Strap Internal Organization Liquids Pocket Lockable Zippers Retractable Handle Vector 22"/46L Volumes and Weights US and International weight and volume specifications Size cu. in. liter lbs/oz kg. One Size 2800 46 5/15 2.69 Dimensions Dimensions are shown as length (height) x width x depth In: 22 x 14 x 9 Cm: 56 x 36 x 33
Black Red Navy Pumpkin Green
상품의견 쓰기 (로그인 후에 쓰기가 가능합니다.)
* 욕설/비방/광고/성인 등 상품과 관련이 없거나 피해를 주는 글을 등록시에는 경고 없이 삭제될 수 있습니다.
샵베이는 상품정보 검색 사이트로써 직접 판매/배송을 하지 않으며, 주문/배송 및 환불의 의무와 책임은 각 판매업체에 있습니다.