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139,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 스킨스      제조국/원산지 호주(중국)
의류소품 > 여성의류 > 스포츠웨어 > 스킨스
관련 인기 상품
Infinity Endurance Jacket ANTIFREEZE EBONY ZEST The Infinity Endurance jacket is a lightweight down jacket with a water-resistant outer fabric. The Infinity Endurance takes the features of the widely acclaimed Infinity jacket and adds the latest version of Pertex Endurance water-resistant coating to the super-light Pertex Quantum GL fabric. The jacket contains 210g/7oz (size large) of the best quality 850 fill European down we've ever used. The result is a very lightweight and very usable down
Grey Dark Olive >> 색상만 참조 Fuxia >> 색상만 참조 Neon Red
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