회원가입 로그인
94,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 타이멕스      제조국/원산지 미국(Philippines OEM)
캠핑놀이 > 트레이닝가이드
Timex Ironman 30-Lap Full The iconic Ironman* 30-Lap provides indispensable functions for athletes at any level. The classic styling is rooted deep in Ironman tradition, but updated with new functionality, design features and materials. Color updates keep the essential 30-Lap a favorite this year and beyond. Product Features INDIGLO Night-Light with NIGHT-MODE 100-Hour Chronograph with Lap and Split Times 30-Lap Memory Recall 99-Lap Counter 24-Hour Countdown Timer Fifteen Date Reminders Three D
관련 인기 상품
Suunto M2 Fuchsia Real-time guidance: heart rate and calories burned Automatically switches between three heart rate zones to help reach personal exercise targets Suunto M2 comes with Suunto Dual Comfort Belt: comfortable textile belt, compatible with most gym cardio equipment and Suunto Fitness Solution Easy to use 9 languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish and Finnish With easy and comfortable monitoring of real-time heart rate and calories burned, the
Suunto Memory Belt Memory Belt is the sporty successor to the innovative Suunto Smart Belt heart rate variation recorder. Designed especially for athletic environments, the Memory Belt records data on an integrated memory chip for downloading and analyzing at a later time. Self-contained, easy to operate and virtually maintenance-free, the Memory Belt can be successfully utilized by team and individual athletes, as well as wellness professionals, with minimal instruction or fuss. As a recorder,
Suunto Basic Heart Rate Belt Sends precise heart rate information to your compatible Suunto heart rate monitor in real time Fits securely against your body, with thin length-adjustment buckles for maximum comfort User replaceable battery Basic Heart Rate Belt is compatible with Suunto M1 and M2 heart rate monitors as well as with Vector HR Suunto Basic Heart Rate Belt – Monitor your heart rate with accuracy Monitor your heart rate with precision and comfort. The Basic Heart Rate Belt send
일상 훈련의 파트너 - 실시간 트레이닝 효과를 통해 트레이닝 부하를 최적의 조건으로 조절할 수있습니다. 주요 특징: _ 혼선 없는 디지털 ANT 송신 및 코딩 _ 실시간 트레이닝 효과 _ 최적의 POD 조건에서 속도, 거리 및 사이클링 리듬 유지 _ 트레이닝 일지를 기기에 기록 _ 실내 및 실외 운동을 위한 듀얼 컴포트 벨트. 대부분의 실내 심혈관계 운동 장비, Suunto 심박수 모니터링 전기종 및 Suunto Fitness Solution 그룹 운동 솔루션과 호환 가능. 추가 기능으로는 실시간 심박수 및 칼로리 소모량 측정, 듀얼 타임 방식의 구역 트레이닝 시간 확인, 날짜, 알람 그리고 스플릿 및 랩 타임 기능이 포함된 스톱워치 등이 있습니다. 땀을 흘리고, 심장이 달음박질치며, 모든 고된 훈련이 결과를 낳기 시작하고 있다. 당신의 힘과 지구력은 향상됐으나 당신은 여전히 다음 단계로 나아가고자 한다. 다음 운동은 무엇인가? 트레이닝 이펙트를 정확하게 모니터링하기 위한 순토 콤
Timex Ironman 30-Lap Full The iconic Ironman* 30-Lap provides indispensable functions for athletes at any level. The classic styling is rooted deep in Ironman tradition, but updated with new functionality, design features and materials. Color updates keep the essential 30-Lap a favorite this year and beyond. Product Features INDIGLO Night-Light with NIGHT-MODE 100-Hour Chronograph with Lap and Split Times 30-Lap Memory Recall 99-Lap Counter 24-Hour Countdown Timer Fifteen Date Reminders Three D
This cutting-edge performance watch allows you to access information without breaking your stride, giving you the edge when every second counts. TapScreen Technology logs split times with one firm tap on the watch face. Glancing at the oversized display, or listening to the audible alarms then provides real-time performance feedback. Product Features INDIGLO Night-Light with Night-Mode TapScreen Technology Target Time Pacer Dated Training Log with Best Lap, Average Lap and Total Time 100-Hour C
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