회원가입 로그인
28,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 팩세이프      제조국/원산지 호주(china OEM)
배낭/가방 > 기타 소품
관련 인기 상품
This replacement harness fits Gregory Response series packs. 3D precurved harness uses dual-density foams laminated to the surface fabric, resulting in cushioning without pinching or binding Harness works with the following packs: Whitney, Palisade, Deva, Baltoro, Triconi Specification for torso length are as follows: Small: 16 - 17.5 in. Medium: 18 - 19.5 in. Large: 20 - 21.5 in. Specification Description Material Nylon/dual-density foam
Camelbak® has reworked its drinking valve to deliver twice the flow of the original design. The bigger valve is just as easy to use as before, but delivers more liquid when you need it; great for tough workouts, competitions or hot weather Made of a durable, medical-grade silicone compound that stays pliable in extreme temperatures
* 본제품은 가방과 드레싱팩으로 만 구성된 제품으로 구매 시 참고 바랍니다. (문의: 1566-2543) * 제품 구성 중 설압자(스텐레스)는 포함 되지 않습니다.(수정 예정)
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