회원가입 로그인
396,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 준우아웃도어      제조국/원산지 한국
텐트/침낭 > 춘추용침낭
관련 인기 상품
Turn our semi-rectangular bags into a comfortable Two-Sleep by zipping up to our Summer Coupler! This cotton tri-blend fabric has the same feel as the sheets on your bed. Sleeves on the underside hold your insulated pads in place. By nature of its design the Summer Coupler works only with our semi-rectangular bags which do not feature hoods. This is not a waterproof sheet, so a ground cloth is still needed. The Summer Coupler weighs just 1lb. 4oz. 구분 제품명 침낭구조 길이(cm) 내한온도 높이(cm) 어깨/엉덩이/발 (cm) 총중
>드림캐쳐시리즈 테크니컬 데이타 >>> Click!
>헬륨시리즈 테크니컬 데이타 >>> Click!
사용온도: 1.4F (-17C) 트레킹용 - 빅월 등반용 - 비박용
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