회원가입 로그인
195,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 뱅가드      제조국/원산지 미국(제삼국)
배낭/가방 > 수납케이스
- 렌즈등 액세서리를 보관 이동하는 하드케이스 - 바퀴,접이식 손잡이 - 알루미늄 외장재 - 외부사이즈 : 600x380x205mm - 내부사이즈 : 585x370x185mm - 무 게 : 7.3Kg VGP-310W Our designers hit a home run with this one. Vanguard 310W is designed for the on-the-go professional. Durable and strong in construction with a sleek, professional style, it is no wonder that Vanguard VGP 300W has been hailed around the world as one of the best equipment cases on the market. Used by professionals in an array of industries, VGP 300W has a solid aluminum alloy
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