table.extra-information {background:#e0e0e0;margin:30px 0 60px 0;} table.extra-information th, table.extra-information td {font-weight:normal;text-align:left;padding-left:15px;background:#ffffff;font-family:Dotum;font-size:11px;height:28px;} table.extra-information th {width:15%;background:#f5f5f5;color:#515151;} table.extra-information td {width:35%;color:#666666;} 수입원 삼양테크 A/S 휴포레스트/삼양테크 KCC인증필 유무 해당없음 출시년월 2011.4.
크 기 : 254mm x 95mm x 180mm 무 게 : 430g 품질보증 : 5년 - 스와로브스키(SWAROVSKI) ATM/STM 65/80(HD)에 사용가능 Digital camera base DCB With one simple up and down pivoting movement, the SWAROVSKI OPTIK DCB digital camera base makes it possible to switch between observation mode and photography mode in a matter of seconds. The DCB can be fitted very easily to the observation telescopes of the ATM/STM 80/65 (HD) and ATS/STS 80/65 (HD) series and is the perfect solution for spontaneous photography. Compatible with t