회원가입 로그인
456,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 준우아웃도어      제조국/원산지 한국
텐트/침낭 > 동계용침낭
관련 인기 상품
Product details – Fusion 900+ The all-around sleeping bag. Fusion 900+ with integrated 2-layer footbox, ankle length zipper, 3-D iso collar, freezing puff and interior pocket. Delivery incl. storage bag & stuff sack. Outer material: MicroMiniCell (100% Polyester) Inner material: SoftCell (100% Nylon) Measurements: 230 x 85 x 56 cm (L), stuff bag size: 16,5 x 16,5 x 36 cm Weight: ca. 1500 g Filling: 900 g, 700+ European Downs 90/10 pro inch3, US Standard around 760 inch3, S-chamber wor
Odin reigned supreme in Nordic mythology. In return for his wisdom, he had to give up his one eye to Mimer, keeper of the fountain of wisdom. We are not claiming your eye in return, but it might be wise to include an Odin in your next expedition. With an extreme rating of -40°C (-40°F) and weighing in at a mere 1836 gm (4 lb), this is the bag of choice for lightweight expeditions and serious mountaineers who spend their time outdoors all year round. All bags in the series are differential cut.
Product details – VIB 1000 The ultra-light sleeping bag. VIB 1000 with an integrated 3-layer footbox, knee-length zipper, 3-D iso collar, freezing puff and interior pocket. Delivery incl. storage bag & stuff sack. Outer material: SupCell (100% Nylon) Inner material: UltraCell (100% Nylon) Measurements: 230 x 88 x 57 cm (L), stuff bag size: 18,5 x 18,5 x 39 cm Weight: ca. 1590 g Filling: 1000 g, 800+ European Downs 95/5 pro inch3, US Standard: around 870 inch3, H & S-chamber combi
사용온도: -22°F (-30°C)산악 원정용 원정용으로제작되었으며발란드레의베링자켓와완벽하게어울립니다. 둘이함께라면수트를대신할수있는강한대안이될것입니다. 3개의별도부위가상의와하의사이를연결하는‘브릿지’역할을함으로서강한충격에도팬츠를보호합니다. 내구성강한소재로덧대어져있어원정기간내내혹사시켜도버텨낼것입니다. 팬츠의가장자리는풀지퍼로처리되어통풍을위해사용하거나옷을입고벗을때신발을벗거나할필요없이간단히탈의가능합니다. ‘엉덩이부분의드롭시트’는자연의부르심..(화장실)이있을때과도한노출없이해결할수있도록해드립니다. 전면의, 넓은지퍼포켓은필수품이나지도등을보관하기용이합니다. 마지막, 드로우코드가간편히핏조절을가능하게합니다. 바핀팬츠는어떤원정용기어와도잘어울리는팬츠입니다. 소재: Asahi KASEI Impact 66 Polyamide WR Rip-Stop / Asahi KASEI Polyester WR Rip-Stop 다운필파워: Goose 850 cuin + (US Normes) 총중량 : 27.3 oz. (773
Summit bags are built for mountaineering and the design features vary through the range of fill weights. Summit Alpine 300, 400 and 500 are lightweight bags for Alpine climbing, with simple box wall construction, half zip with waist height belay facility and no shoulder or zip baffles. The Summit 700 is designed for colder ascents and adds more features including a full length zip with down filled zip and shoulder baffles. Finally the 900 and 1100 models are designed for cold expedition use wit
사용온도: -43.6F (-42C) 고지대 등반용 - 원정용 - 혹한기 등반용
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