회원가입 로그인
8,100원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 나잇아이즈      제조국/원산지 미국(제삼국)
텐트/침낭 > 기타 소품
PRODUCT INFORMATION So, we'll start at the beginning: the KnotBone is an ingeniously designed little piece of plastic that saves time and effort by eliminating the need to tie a knot for nearly every purpose. Any time you need a loop that securely anchors a line, any time you want to connect one length of cord to another to extend your line, any time you want to put the cord in a circle and secure it, the KnotBone does it with a simple wrap-and-lock principle that keeps the connection fixed. No
관련 인기 상품
Description The ultimate hammock hanging kit now included a tree protector. In addition to twenty feet of rope, we have included a 24” tree sock that will prevent damaging the bark of trees. Features Two 20’ pieces of 5mm accessory cord 24” tree protecting sock – won’t hurt trees! Pre-knotted for easy hanging Stuff sack included Holds 400lbs
상품명: DAC J-Stake 원산지: Korea 길이: 16cm 중량: 11g 소재: TH72M-T6 aluminum 색상: 레드 알파인 텐트나 타프 등에 사용하는 경량 V펙입니다. TH72M-T6 합금으로서 경량성과 내구성이 매우 우수한 제품입니다. 8개 세트로 구성되어 있습니다.
< 설치방법 >
Dry wet gear anywhere with this simple, lightweight clothesline. Tensioners and hooks allow a quick, easy to adjust setup anytime the sun is shining. Made in China Color Red Weight 1.4 oz / 40 g Length 144 in / 365 cm Material(s) Nylon reflective cord Country of Origin Made in China
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