회원가입 로그인
184,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 그레고리(GREGORY)      제조국/원산지 미국(Vietnam OEM)
배낭/가방 > MTB/BIKE/러닝용-20L이하 > 20L이하
grey green
관련 인기 상품
Sandgold Sprucegreen Siltgray Medcapred < Raptor 14 Features > 180° On-Off Pivot Bite Valve Bike Tool Organization HydraForm™ Reservoir Filling and Cleaning HydraLock™ Compartment - 1 HydraLock™ Compartment - 2 HydraLock™ Compartment - 3 HydraLock™ Compartment - 4 Key Clip LidLock™ LidLock™ Adjustment Magnetic sternum strap buckle NoScratch™ Top Slash Pocket Stretch Woven Front Pocket Raptor 18 Volumes and Weights US and International weight and volume specifications Size cu. in. liter lb
Blue Steel Coal Red Clay 심플한 디자인의 클래식 콤팩트형 클라이밍 배낭 탈 부착이 가능한 25mm 힙벨트 전면 지퍼 포켓 내구성이 높은 840d 발리스틱 나일론원단 적용 물 주머니 수납 가능 용량 : 16L 중량 : 370g
keep your reservoir free from taste and odor and ready for your next adventure. Fast-acting tablets are easy to use and work in just 5 minutes. Periodic cleaning with CamelBak® Cleaning Tabs™ keeps reservoir and tube free from taste and odor CamelBak® Cleaning Tabs™ work in just 5 minutes for a thorough cleaning
Black Honey Brown Raisin Multi-purpose, hydration-capable daypack. One Size 0.52 kg / 18 oz 13 L Style: Packs Under 20L Activity: Casual/Urban
Enhances freeze resistance in cold weather. Also helps water stay cooler longer in the summer. Converts any CamelBak system for extreme winter and summer conditions. Includes Big Bite™ Valve mouthpiece, mouthpiece cover, insulated tube cover and 42" delivery tube.
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