회원가입 로그인
99,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 보레아스      제조국/원산지 미국(china OEM)
배낭/가방 > MTB/BIKE/러닝용-20L이하 > 20L이하
관련 인기 상품
규격 : 리져버드라이어 + 브러쉬킷 This kit contains all the cleaning accessories needed to keep a reservoir in optimal condition. Includes reservoir brush, tube brush, newly designed Reservoir Dryer™ and two cleaning tablets The new dryer is designed to hold the OMEGA reservoir upside down and open for quick and complete drying
Retrofit any CamelBak OMEGA® or non-QL Antidote hydration system with Quick Link™ components. Includes Quick Link™ female connector with auto-shutoff and Quick Link male connector. To install, cut the drink tube 2"- 3" from the base of the reservoir. Dip the base (the part with the yellow release button) of the Quick Link Conversion accessory in rubbing alcohol, which works as a quick-drying lubricator. Firmly push the base onto the section of drink tube still attached to the reservoir. Dip the
Enhances freeze resistance in cold weather. Also helps water stay cooler longer in the summer. Converts any CamelBak system for extreme winter and summer conditions. Includes Big Bite™ Valve mouthpiece, mouthpiece cover, insulated tube cover and 42" delivery tube.
FIRE OCEAN 무게 : 350 g 용량 : 10 L 크기 : 32cm(H) X 22cm(W) X 16cm(D) 재질 : HexLite 210 / Micro-Rip Nylon 구조 : [Airstripes system상세] 아이들이 자전거를 탈때나 외출시 이용가능한 제품으로서, 특히 자전거를 탈때 배낭 앞부분에 들어있는 라이트를 이용하여 안전한 자전거 생활을 도와주는 제품입니다. 스트리머 물백(1리터)이 장착이 가능합니다.
< 상세이미지 참조 >
GoLite new No Bounce™ bottle packs will rock your world, not your hips. Featuring the No Bounce™ load control system and ergonomic design that wraps the hips, the HydroSprint is great for training or longer trail runs. Offers a highly breathable quick-dry air mesh body, stretch mesh pockets, gel flask and includes two, 21 oz Specialized® water bottles. Pack Specs Volume: 0 in3 | Not Specified liters Hydration: 21oz/600ml Bottle Included Fabric Features Highly breathable quick-dry air mesh body
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