회원가입 로그인
384,800원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 순토(Suunto)      제조국/원산지 Made in Finland
캠핑놀이 > 트레이닝가이드
Suunto M5 Black/Silver Running Pack Includes Suunto M5 Suunto Foot POD Mini Suunto Movestick Mini Suunto Dual Comfort BeltFeatures Fitness test 3 personal targets to choose from – improving fitness, weight management or free training Daily exercise instructions with ideal duration and intensity Automatically adapting exercise program for the next 7 days Real-time intensity guidance during workout Recovery time recommendation after exercise Motivational feedback messages Suunto Dual Comfor
관련 인기 상품
Suunto M2 Black Real-time guidance: heart rate and calories burned Automatically switches between three heart rate zones to help reach personal exercise targets Suunto M2 comes with Suunto Dual Comfort Belt: comfortable textile belt, compatible with most gym cardio equipment and Suunto Fitness Solution Easy to use 9 languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish and Finnish With easy and comfortable monitoring of real-time heart rate and calories burned, the M2
Suunto M5 Black/Gold Fitness test 3 personal targets to choose from – improving fitness, weight management or free training Daily exercise instructions with ideal duration and intensity Automatically adapting exercise program for the next 7 days Real-time intensity guidance during workout Recovery time recommendation after exercise Motivational feedback messages Suunto Dual Comfort Belt, compatible with most gym cardio equipment and Suunto Fitness Solution Upload exercise data to Movescou
Foot Pod Mini Dual Comfort Belt Movestick Mini Suunto Quest Black Running Pack The Suunto Quest Running Pack includes Suunto Quest Black, Suunto Movestick Mini, Suunto Dual Comfort Belt and Suunto Foot POD Mini. The robustly designed Suunto Quest lets you: PLAN __Create training program in Movescount.com __Next training reminder: duration, intensity __Time, date, dual time, alarm PLUG __Download training program to Suunto Quest __Upload training data to Movescount.com __Customize display and se
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