회원가입 로그인
102,400원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 마운틴이큅먼트      제조국/원산지 영국(제삼국OEM)
의류소품 > 남성의류 > 자켓 > 방풍자켓
관련 인기 상품
Comfortable jacket in durable G-1000 and G-1000 Lite, a practical everyday garment that also works well in nature. Pre-shaped sleeves and fixed hood that sits snugly around your face. Two zippered side pockets. Zipper in the front with inner flap. Adjustment at the hem and buttoned sleeve cuffs. Can be waxed for added protection from wind and rain. Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL Weight: 432 g in size M Material: G-1000® Original: 65% polyester, 35% cotton, G-1000® Lite, 65% polyester, 35% cotton r
Neutrino Endurance Jacket ZEST TWILIGHT ELECTRIC BLUE BLACK BELUGA MARS RED BLAZON The Neutrino Endurance is a lightweight, fully featured and very warm down jacket designed primarily for climbing and mountain use. The Neutrino Endurance has become the benchmark down jacket for modern mountaineering and lightweight ascents. The Pertex® Endurance outer provides durable protection against storm and spindrift while retaining minimal weight and packsize. High lofting is provided by the 225g of 800
STYLE NO. : UP42282 품명 : 로빈 팬츠 사이즈 : 30,32,34,36,38 색상 : D/KHAKI 남성용 팬츠 가벼우며 스판성이 뛰어난 원단 사용으로 착용감이 좋으며 양쪽 허벅지 부분에 건빵 주머니가 있어 수납이 편리함.
사용온도: -14F (-10C) 산악용 베스트
상품의견 쓰기 (로그인 후에 쓰기가 가능합니다.)
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