회원가입 로그인
253,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 캐스케이드디자인      제조국/원산지 미국(tailand OEM)
취사도구 > 코펠
This is our highest capacity, full-featured cook system for groups of 4 or more. Including a big, hard-anodized 5.3L pot, and a 3.2L nonstick, you can fix a feast for the whole posse on a road trip, while its compact nested design makes it a great option for big river and group backpack trips as well. You get an extra Strainer Lid for maximum efficiency, plus plates and mugs for four. Includes: (1) 3.2L nonstick DuraLite™ DX pot, (1) dual-handle 5.3L hard-anodized pot, (2) strainer lids, (4) De
관련 인기 상품
상품제원 : 1).브랜드 : 유니프레임 UNIFLAME 2).제품명 : UF 라면포트 900 / 668276 3).사이즈 : φ120*80(h) mm 4).재 질 : 본체 / 알루미늄, 핸들 / 스텐레스 5).중 량 : 약 115g 6).용 량 : 900ml 상품특징 : 1).올해 새롭게 출시된 라면포트는 경량&열전도가 뛰어난 알루미늄을 본체에 사용한 제품입니다. 2).라면 포트 1400보다조금 작은 900 ml의 제품이며, 메쉬 케이스가 포함되어 있습니다.
Reactor Coffee Press w / 1.0L pot Reactor Coffee Press w / 1.7L pot Available for Reactor 1.0L and 1.7L pots, the Reactor Coffee Press makes your morning fix fast. Each kit includes a new lid nob that accepts the Coffee Press plunger and seals tight for use without the coffee press. Our burly stainless steel strainer disc won’t tear or fray, and a flexible perimeter gasket ensures the cleanest brew possible. And of course, it all breaks down flat for easy packing, making it the ultimate backcou
재 질 : 하드 아노다이즈드 알루미늄 크 기 : 188x100mm 무 게 : 450g 특 징 : 1.75L 코펠 밑면에 끓는 시간을 약 20% 단축 시키는 익스체인저탑재, 고강도,내식성,내구성,내마모성, 내열성,내산화성 구 성 품 : 1.75L 코펠 코펠 뚜껑 겸용 골진 후라이팬 주머니 케이스 A versatile and efficient 2-piece cook set made from hard anodized aluminum. The special heat exchanger reduces „time to boil“ by 20%, making your stove energy efficient and saving fuel when cooking. Content: A 1.75 L heat exchange pot with measurements (mL and oz), a frying pan with corrugated thermal base that can also be us
무게 11.4 oz / 323 g 지름 8 in / 20.32 cm 높이 2 in / 5.08 cm 제조국 Made in Thailand Strong, reliable stainless steel fry pan stands up to heavy use and extreme conditions. Nests over Alpine 3L Pot and handle folds up for compact packing. Weight 11.4 oz / 323 g Diameter 8 in / 20.32 cm Height 2 in / 5.08 cm Country of Origin Made in Thailand
This compact, 7-inch skillet nests efficiently with Quick 2, Base 2 and Alpinist 2 cookware, adding versatility to your average minimalist kitchen without adding too much weight to your pack. Includes: 7-inch Nonstick, hard-anodized aluminum skillet, Talon™ pot handle. Made in Thailand Total weight 5.9 oz / 166 g Packed Size 7.75 x 2.5 in / 19.7 x 6.35 cm MSR Flex4 System / Flex4システムレポ : CampLogs | キャンプ ...">
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