회원가입 로그인
22,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 코베아(KOVEA)      제조국/원산지 한국(china OEM)
텐트/침낭 > 기타 소품
관련 인기 상품
상품명 골드 캠퍼 에어매트리스 모델명 KJ8MA0103 제조사 코베아 생산지 타이완(OEM) 색상 블랙,레드
Description The ultimate hammock hanging kit now included a tree protector. In addition to twenty feet of rope, we have included a 24” tree sock that will prevent damaging the bark of trees. Features Two 20’ pieces of 5mm accessory cord 24” tree protecting sock – won’t hurt trees! Pre-knotted for easy hanging Stuff sack included Holds 400lbs
MSR developed CamRing™ Cord Tensioners to make camp life simpler and easier. The simple ring design locks securely and adjusts easily, eliminating the hassle of tying and retying knots in cold or wet weather. CamRing™ Cord Tensioners perform best on cords from 1.5mm to 3mm. Made in China
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