회원가입 로그인
55,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 캐스캐이드 디자인      제조국/원산지 미국(china OEM)
텐트/침낭 > 기타 소품
NeoAir Jembe Seat Kit NeoAir Jembe Seat Kit , Deluxe Turn your NeoAir™ mattress into the ultimate backcountry seat: NeoAir stability allows you to sit comfortably above the ground. This unique seat kit is light enough to pack on any trip and the durable base resists punctures wherever you stop. Stable: NeoAir™ construction creates a raised seat that is comfortable and firm. NeoAir™ Compatible: Fits all NeoAir™ mattress sizes and widths except Small. Like our standard Jembe seat, this deluxe sea
관련 인기 상품
상품명 코지 에어 필로우 모델명 KJ8MA0105 제조사 코베아 생산지 타이완(OEM) 색상 블랙,애플그린,버건디
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