회원가입 로그인
35,000원 (Update 2012.06.)
제조사/브렌드 YAKPAK      제조국/원산지 엘살바도르
635 - Basic Student Backpack Yak Pak most popular backpack, the Student Backpack, is THE quintessential backpack. The spacious main compartment is accompanied by a front zip pocket, zip closures, enhanced padding and stitching to create a sturdy, stylish and functional day pack. Depth Width Height Weight Volume 5.75 in 14.25 16.1 2.87 lbs 1319 ci Watch it on video YAKPAK 백팩 973 멀티스플레터페인트
관련 인기 상품
635 - Basic Student Backpack Yak Pak most popular backpack, the Student Backpack, is THE quintessential backpack. The spacious main compartment is accompanied by a front zip pocket, zip closures, enhanced padding and stitching to create a sturdy, stylish and functional day pack. Depth Width Height Weight Volume 5.75 in 14.25 16.1 2.87 lbs 1319 ci Watch it on video YAKPAK 백팩 136 화이트디스트레스
635 - Basic Student Backpack Yak Pak most popular backpack, the Student Backpack, is THE quintessential backpack. The spacious main compartment is accompanied by a front zip pocket, zip closures, enhanced padding and stitching to create a sturdy, stylish and functional day pack. Depth Width Height Weight Volume 5.75 in 14.25 16.1 2.87 lbs 1319 ci Watch it on video YAKPAK 백팩 502 퍼플하트엔하트
635 - Basic Student Backpack Yak Pak most popular backpack, the Student Backpack, is THE quintessential backpack. The spacious main compartment is accompanied by a front zip pocket, zip closures, enhanced padding and stitching to create a sturdy, stylish and functional day pack. Depth Width Height Weight Volume 5.75 in 14.25 16.1 2.87 lbs 1319 ci Watch it on video YAKPAK 백팩 678 메가마젠타도트
635 - Basic Student Backpack Yak Pak most popular backpack, the Student Backpack, is THE quintessential backpack. The spacious main compartment is accompanied by a front zip pocket, zip closures, enhanced padding and stitching to create a sturdy, stylish and functional day pack. Depth Width Height Weight Volume 5.75 in 14.25 16.1 2.87 lbs 1319 ci Watch it on video YAKPAK 백팩 015 블랙멀티스타
635 - Basic Student Backpack Yak Pak most popular backpack, the Student Backpack, is THE quintessential backpack. The spacious main compartment is accompanied by a front zip pocket, zip closures, enhanced padding and stitching to create a sturdy, stylish and functional day pack. Depth Width Height Weight Volume 5.75 in 14.25 16.1 2.87 lbs 1319 ci Watch it on video YAKPAK 백팩 011 스틸그레이
635 - Basic Student Backpack Yak Pak most popular backpack, the Student Backpack, is THE quintessential backpack. The spacious main compartment is accompanied by a front zip pocket, zip closures, enhanced padding and stitching to create a sturdy, stylish and functional day pack. Depth Width Height Weight Volume 5.75 in 14.25 16.1 2.87 lbs 1319 ci Watch it on video YAKPAK 백팩 243 브라운핑크블론아웃
635 - Basic Student Backpack Yak Pak most popular backpack, the Student Backpack, is THE quintessential backpack. The spacious main compartment is accompanied by a front zip pocket, zip closures, enhanced padding and stitching to create a sturdy, stylish and functional day pack. Depth Width Height Weight Volume 5.75 in 14.25 16.1 2.87 lbs 1319 ci Watch it on video YAKPAK 백팩 934 블랙그리드
635 - Basic Student Backpack Yak Pak most popular backpack, the Student Backpack, is THE quintessential backpack. The spacious main compartment is accompanied by a front zip pocket, zip closures, enhanced padding and stitching to create a sturdy, stylish and functional day pack. Depth Width Height Weight Volume 5.75 in 14.25 16.1 2.87 lbs 1319 ci Watch it on video YAKPAK 백팩 407 네이비블론아웃
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